143 DECLARE_OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION_5(NearestNeighbor_ClassifyBundleGPU,
const float *pQueries,
int nDimension,
int nQueries,
int *pResults,
float *pResultErrors)
bool Max(const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
Sets each pixel in a CByteImage to the maximum of the corresponding pixels in two instances of CByteI...
bool PrewittX(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CShortImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
Filters a CByteImage with the PrewittX operator and writes the result to a CShortImage.
Data structure for the representation of a 2D vector.
bool Laplace2(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CShortImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
Filters a CByteImage with the Laplace2 operator and writes the result to a CShortImage.
bool MinMaxValue(const CByteImage *pImage, unsigned char &min, unsigned char &max)
Computes the minimum and maximum value within a grayscale CByteImage.
#define DECLARE_OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION_4(name, p1, p2, p3, p4)
bool AbsoluteDifference(const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
Sets each pixel in a CByteImage to the absolute value of the difference between the corresponding pix...
#define DECLARE_OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION_2(name, p1, p2)
unsigned char MaxValue(const CByteImage *pImage)
Returns the maximum value within a grayscale CByteImage.
bool AddWithSaturation(const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
Sets each pixel in a CByteImage to the sum of the corresponding pixels in two instances of CByteImage...
bool Min(const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
Sets each pixel in a CByteImage to the minimum of the corresponding pixels in two instances of CByteI...
#define DECLARE_OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION_8(name, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8)
bool PrewittY(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CShortImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
Filters a CByteImage with the PrewittY operator and writes the result to a CShortImage.
Data structure for the representation of single channel images of the data type signed int...
bool Add(const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
Sets each pixel in a CByteImage to the sum of the corresponding pixels in two instances of CByteImage...
bool ConvertImage(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, bool bFast=false, const MyRegion *pROI=0)
Converts a grayscale CByteImage to an RGB CByteImage image and vice versa.
bool ThresholdFilter(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, unsigned char nThreshold)
Performs threhold filtering to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage.
bool CalculateGradientImageSobel(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
Applies a combined Sobel filter for both x- and y-direction to a CByteImage and stores the result in ...
static bool Erode3x3(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, const MyRegion *pROI)
bool GaussianSmooth5x5(const CFloatMatrix *pInputImage, CFloatMatrix *pOutputImage, float fVariance)
Applies a 5x5 Gaussian filter to a CFloatMatrix and writes the result to a CFloatMatrix.
bool Xor(const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
Applies the bitwise operator XOR to two instance of CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage...
bool Amplify(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, float fFactor)
Multiplies each byte value of a CByteImage with a floating point factor and writes the result to a CB...
unsigned int PixelSum(const CByteImage *pImage)
Returns the sum of all pixel values of a grayscale CByteImage.
bool Canny(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, int nLowThreshold, int nHighThreshold)
Applies the Canny edge detector to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage.
bool SobelY(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CShortImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
Filters a CByteImage with the SobelY operator and writes the result to a CShortImage.
bool GaussianSmooth3x3(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
Applies a 3x3 Gaussian filter to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage.
bool CalculateGradientImagePrewitt(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
Applies a combined Prewitt filter for both x- and y-direction to a CByteImage and stores the result i...
bool ApplyAffinePointOperation(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, float a, float b)
Applies an affine point operation to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage.
bool ThresholdBinarizeInverse(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, unsigned char nThreshold)
Performs inverse threshold binarization to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage...
bool Laplace1(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CShortImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
Filters a CByteImage with the Laplace1 operator and writes the result to a CShortImage.
bool Or(const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
Applies the bitwise operator OR to two instance of CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage...
bool CalculateHSVImage(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, const MyRegion *pROI=0)
Computes the HSV image for a RGB CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage.
bool SubtractWithSaturation(const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
Sets each pixel in a CByteImage to the difference between the corresponding pixels in two instances o...
bool Average(const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
Sets each pixel in a CByteImage to the average of the corresponding pixels in two instances of CByteI...
bool SobelX(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CShortImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
Filters a CByteImage with the SobelX operator and writes the result to a CShortImage.
bool FilterHSV2(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, unsigned char min_hue, unsigned char max_hue, unsigned char min_sat, unsigned char max_sat, unsigned char min_v, unsigned char max_v, const MyRegion *pROI=0)
Performs color filtering with binarization for an HSV CByteImage and writes the result to a grayscale...
#define DECLARE_OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION_5(name, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
bool Subtract(const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
Sets each pixel in a CByteImage to the difference between the corresponding pixels in two instances o...
unsigned char MinValue(const CByteImage *pImage)
Returns the minimum value within a grayscale CByteImage.
#define DECLARE_OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION_5_RET(name, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
bool Invert(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
Calculates the inverted image of a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage.
bool And(const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
Applies the bitwise operator AND to two instance of CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage...
Data structure for the representation of 8-bit grayscale images and 24-bit RGB (or HSV) color images ...
static bool Dilate3x3(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, const MyRegion *pROI)
bool ThresholdBinarize(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, unsigned char nThreshold)
Performs threshold binarization to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage.
bool ThresholdFilterInverse(const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, unsigned char nThreshold)
Performs inverse threhold filtering to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage.
Data structure for the representation of single channel images of the data type signed short...
#define DECLARE_OPTIMIZED_FUNCTION_3(name, p1, p2, p3)
int CalculateHarrisInterestPoints(const CByteImage *pInputImage, Vec2d *pInterestPoints, int nMaxPoints, float fQualityLevel=0.01f, float fMinDistance=5.0f)
Computes interest points within a CByteImage by applying the Harris corner detector.