Color | |
ContourHelper | Collection of functions for contour processing |
CornerSubpixel | Subpixel refinement of corner points |
ExtrinsicParameterCalculator | |
ExtrinsicParameterCalculatorCV | |
ImageAccessCV | Loading of images using HighGUI from OpenCV |
ImageProcessor | Central namespace offering various image processing routines and functions |
ImageProcessorCV | Deprecated |
IplImageAdaptor | Conversion between CByteImage (IVT) and IplImage (OpenCV) |
LinearAlgebra | Mathematic functions operating on the data types CFloatMatrix, CFloatVector, CDoubleMatrix, and CDoubleVector |
LinearAlgebraCV | Obsolete (encapsulated OpenCV calls). Use LinearAlgebra instead |
Math2d | Efficient mathematic functions operating on the data types Vec2d and Mat2d |
Math3d | Efficient mathematic functions operating on the data types Vec3d, Mat3d, Transformation3d, and Quaternion |
Normalizer | Normalization of 1D data |
POSIT | Implementation of the (POSIT) algorithm |
PrimitivesDrawer | Functions for drawing 2D primitives into images |
PrimitivesDrawerCV | Functions for drawing 2D primitives into a CByteImage using OpenCV |
Quicksort | |
RANSAC | Implementation of the RANSAC algorithm for specific applications/models |
StereoCalibrationCV | Computation of the rectification parameters for a given instance of CStereoCalibration |
Threading | Namespace offering helpers and types useful for multithreading |