LinearAlgebra Namespace Reference

Mathematic functions operating on the data types CFloatMatrix, CFloatVector, CDoubleMatrix, and CDoubleVector. More...


void Zero (CFloatMatrix *pMatrix)
void Zero (CFloatVector *pVector)
void SelfProduct (const CFloatMatrix *pMatrix, CFloatMatrix *pResultMatrix, bool AAT=false)
void MulMatMat (const CFloatMatrix *A, const CFloatMatrix *B, CFloatMatrix *pResultMatrix, bool bTransposeB=false)
void Transpose (const CFloatMatrix *pMatrix, CFloatMatrix *pResultMatrix)
void MulMatVec (const CFloatMatrix *pMatrix, const CFloatVector *pVector, CFloatVector *pResultVector)
void MulMatVec (const CFloatMatrix *pMatrix, const CFloatVector *pVector1, const CFloatVector *pVector2, CFloatVector *pResultVector)
void AddMatMat (const CFloatMatrix *pMatrix1, const CFloatMatrix *pMatrix2, CFloatMatrix *pResultMatrix)
void SubtractMatMat (const CFloatMatrix *pMatrix1, const CFloatMatrix *pMatrix2, CFloatMatrix *pResultMatrix)
void AddVecVec (const CFloatVector *pVector1, const CFloatVector *pVector2, CFloatVector *pResultVector)
void SubtractVecVec (const CFloatVector *pVector1, const CFloatVector *pVector2, CFloatVector *pResultVector)
void AddToMat (CFloatMatrix *pMatrix, const CFloatMatrix *pMatrixToAdd)
void SubtractFromMat (CFloatMatrix *pMatrix, const CFloatMatrix *pMatrixToSubtract)
void AddToVec (CFloatVector *pVector, const CFloatVector *pVectorToAdd)
void SubtractFromVec (CFloatVector *pVector, const CFloatVector *pVectorToSubtract)
void SubtractMeanFromColumns (const CFloatMatrix *pMatrix, CFloatMatrix *pResultMatrix)
void SubtractMeanFromRows (const CFloatMatrix *pMatrix, CFloatMatrix *pResultMatrix)
void SVD (const CFloatMatrix *A, CFloatMatrix *W, CFloatMatrix *U=0, CFloatMatrix *V=0, bool bAllowModifyA=false, bool bReturnUTransposed=false, bool bReturnVTransposed=false)
bool SolveLinearLeastSquaresSimple (const CFloatMatrix *A, const CFloatVector *b, CFloatVector *x)
void SolveLinearLeastSquaresSVD (const CFloatMatrix *A, const CFloatVector *b, CFloatVector *x)
void SolveLinearLeastSquaresHomogeneousSVD (const CFloatMatrix *A, CFloatVector *x)
void CalculatePseudoInverseSVD (const CFloatMatrix *pInputMatrix, CFloatMatrix *pOutputMatrix)
bool CalculatePseudoInverseSimple (const CFloatMatrix *pInputMatrix, CFloatMatrix *pResultMatrix)
bool Invert (const CFloatMatrix *pInputMatrix, CFloatMatrix *pResultMatrix)
void PCA (const CFloatMatrix *pData, CFloatMatrix *pTransformationMatrix, CFloatMatrix *pTransformedData, int nTargetDimension)
void PCA (const CFloatMatrix *pData, CFloatMatrix *pTransformationMatrix, CFloatMatrix *pEigenValues)
void Zero (CDoubleMatrix *pMatrix)
void Zero (CDoubleVector *pVector)
void SelfProduct (const CDoubleMatrix *pMatrix, CDoubleMatrix *pResultMatrix, bool AAT=false)
void MulMatMat (const CDoubleMatrix *pMatrix1, const CDoubleMatrix *pMatrix2, CDoubleMatrix *pResultMatrix, bool bTransposeB=false)
void Transpose (const CDoubleMatrix *pMatrix, CDoubleMatrix *pResultMatrix)
void MulMatVec (const CDoubleMatrix *pMatrix, const CDoubleVector *pVector, CDoubleVector *pResultVector)
void MulMatVec (const CDoubleMatrix *pMatrix, const CDoubleVector *pVector1, const CDoubleVector *pVector2, CDoubleVector *pResultVector)
void AddMatMat (const CDoubleMatrix *pMatrix1, const CDoubleMatrix *pMatrix2, CDoubleMatrix *pResultMatrix)
void SubtractMatMat (const CDoubleMatrix *pMatrix1, const CDoubleMatrix *pMatrix2, CDoubleMatrix *pResultMatrix)
void AddVecVec (const CDoubleVector *pVector1, const CDoubleVector *pVector2, CDoubleVector *pResultVector)
void SubtractVecVec (const CDoubleVector *pVector1, const CDoubleVector *pVector2, CDoubleVector *pResultVector)
void AddToMat (CDoubleMatrix *pMatrix, const CDoubleMatrix *pMatrixToAdd)
void SubtractFromMat (CDoubleMatrix *pMatrix, const CDoubleMatrix *pMatrixToSubtract)
void AddToVec (CDoubleVector *pVector, const CDoubleVector *pVectorToAdd)
void SubtractFromVec (CDoubleVector *pVector, const CDoubleVector *pVectorToSubtract)
void SubtractMeanFromColumns (const CDoubleMatrix *pMatrix, CDoubleMatrix *pResultMatrix)
void SubtractMeanFromRows (const CDoubleMatrix *pMatrix, CDoubleMatrix *pResultMatrix)
void SVD (const CDoubleMatrix *A, CDoubleMatrix *W, CDoubleMatrix *U=0, CDoubleMatrix *V=0, bool bAllowModifyA=false, bool bReturnUTransposed=false, bool bReturnVTransposed=false)
bool SolveLinearLeastSquaresSimple (const CDoubleMatrix *A, const CDoubleVector *b, CDoubleVector *x)
void SolveLinearLeastSquaresSVD (const CDoubleMatrix *A, const CDoubleVector *b, CDoubleVector *x)
void SolveLinearLeastSquaresHomogeneousSVD (const CDoubleMatrix *A, CDoubleVector *x)
void CalculatePseudoInverseSVD (const CDoubleMatrix *pInputMatrix, CDoubleMatrix *pOutputMatrix)
bool CalculatePseudoInverseSimple (const CDoubleMatrix *pInputMatrix, CDoubleMatrix *pResultMatrix)
bool Invert (const CDoubleMatrix *pInputMatrix, CDoubleMatrix *pResultMatrix)
bool DetermineAffineTransformation (const Vec2d *pSourcePoints, const Vec2d *pTargetPoints, int nPoints, Mat3d &A, bool bUseSVD=false)
 Determines an affine transformation based on a set of 2d-2d point correspondences. More...
bool DetermineHomography (const Vec2d *pSourcePoints, const Vec2d *pTargetPoints, int nPoints, Mat3d &A, bool bUseSVD=false)
 Determines a homography based on a set of 2d-2d point correspondences. More...

Detailed Description

Mathematic functions operating on the data types CFloatMatrix, CFloatVector, CDoubleMatrix, and CDoubleVector.

Function Documentation

void LinearAlgebra::AddMatMat ( const CFloatMatrix pMatrix1,
const CFloatMatrix pMatrix2,
CFloatMatrix pResultMatrix 

Definition at line 346 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::AddMatMat ( const CDoubleMatrix pMatrix1,
const CDoubleMatrix pMatrix2,
CDoubleMatrix pResultMatrix 

Definition at line 1160 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::AddToMat ( CFloatMatrix pMatrix,
const CFloatMatrix pMatrixToAdd 

Definition at line 416 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::AddToMat ( CDoubleMatrix pMatrix,
const CDoubleMatrix pMatrixToAdd 

Definition at line 1230 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::AddToVec ( CFloatVector pVector,
const CFloatVector pVectorToAdd 

Definition at line 448 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::AddToVec ( CDoubleVector pVector,
const CDoubleVector pVectorToAdd 

Definition at line 1262 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::AddVecVec ( const CFloatVector pVector1,
const CFloatVector pVector2,
CFloatVector pResultVector 

Definition at line 382 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::AddVecVec ( const CDoubleVector pVector1,
const CDoubleVector pVector2,
CDoubleVector pResultVector 

Definition at line 1196 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

bool LinearAlgebra::CalculatePseudoInverseSimple ( const CFloatMatrix pInputMatrix,
CFloatMatrix pResultMatrix 

Definition at line 654 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

bool LinearAlgebra::CalculatePseudoInverseSimple ( const CDoubleMatrix pInputMatrix,
CDoubleMatrix pResultMatrix 

Definition at line 1575 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::CalculatePseudoInverseSVD ( const CFloatMatrix pInputMatrix,
CFloatMatrix pOutputMatrix 

Definition at line 606 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::CalculatePseudoInverseSVD ( const CDoubleMatrix pInputMatrix,
CDoubleMatrix pOutputMatrix 

Definition at line 1527 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

bool LinearAlgebra::DetermineAffineTransformation ( const Vec2d pSourcePoints,
const Vec2d pTargetPoints,
int  nPoints,
Mat3d A,
bool  bUseSVD = false 

Determines an affine transformation based on a set of 2d-2d point correspondences.

The affine transformation is determined by solving the over-determined system $ \left( \begin{array}{cccccc} u_1 & v_1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & u_1 & v_1 & 1 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ u_n & v_n & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & u_n & v_n & 1 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} a_1 \\ a_2 \\ a_3 \\ a_4 \\ a_5 \\ a_6 \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{c} u_1' \\ v_1' \\ \vdots \\ u_n' \\ v_n' \end{array} \right) $.

This is solved optimally in the sense of the Euclidean norm by using the method of least squares.

The n-th entry in pSourcePoints must correspond with the n-th entry in pTargetPoints.

pSourcePointsThe source points.
pTargetPointsThe target points.
nPointsNumber of points.

Definition at line 1616 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

bool LinearAlgebra::DetermineHomography ( const Vec2d pSourcePoints,
const Vec2d pTargetPoints,
int  nPoints,
Mat3d A,
bool  bUseSVD = false 

Determines a homography based on a set of 2d-2d point correspondences.

The homography is determined by solving the over-determined system $ \left( \begin{array}{cccccccc} u_1 & v_1 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -u_1 u_1' & -v_1 u_1 ' \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & u_1 & v_1 & 1 & -u_1 v_1' & -v_1 v_1' \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ u_n & v_n & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & -u_n u_n' & -v_n u_n' \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & u_n & v_n & 1 & -u_n v_n' & -v_n v_n' \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} a_1 \\ a_2 \\ a_3 \\ a_4 \\ a_5 \\ a_6 \\ a_7 \\ a_8 \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{c} u_1' \\ v_1' \\ \vdots \\ u_n' \\ v_n' \end{array} \right) $.

This is solved optimally in the sense of the Euclidean norm by using the method of least squares.

The n-th entry in pSourcePoints must correspond with the n-th entry in pTargetPoints.

pSourcePointsThe source points.
pTargetPointsThe target points.
nPointsNumber of points. Must be at least 4.

Definition at line 1670 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

bool LinearAlgebra::Invert ( const CFloatMatrix pInputMatrix,
CFloatMatrix pResultMatrix 

Definition at line 758 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

bool LinearAlgebra::Invert ( const CDoubleMatrix pInputMatrix,
CDoubleMatrix pResultMatrix 

Definition at line 1352 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::MulMatMat ( const CFloatMatrix A,
const CFloatMatrix B,
CFloatMatrix pResultMatrix,
bool  bTransposeB = false 

Definition at line 136 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::MulMatMat ( const CDoubleMatrix pMatrix1,
const CDoubleMatrix pMatrix2,
CDoubleMatrix pResultMatrix,
bool  bTransposeB = false 

Definition at line 950 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::MulMatVec ( const CFloatMatrix pMatrix,
const CFloatVector pVector,
CFloatVector pResultVector 

Definition at line 292 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::MulMatVec ( const CFloatMatrix pMatrix,
const CFloatVector pVector1,
const CFloatVector pVector2,
CFloatVector pResultVector 

Definition at line 340 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::MulMatVec ( const CDoubleMatrix pMatrix,
const CDoubleVector pVector,
CDoubleVector pResultVector 

Definition at line 1106 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::MulMatVec ( const CDoubleMatrix pMatrix,
const CDoubleVector pVector1,
const CDoubleVector pVector2,
CDoubleVector pResultVector 

Definition at line 1154 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::PCA ( const CFloatMatrix pData,
CFloatMatrix pTransformationMatrix,
CFloatMatrix pTransformedData,
int  nTargetDimension 

Definition at line 682 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::PCA ( const CFloatMatrix pData,
CFloatMatrix pTransformationMatrix,
CFloatMatrix pEigenValues 

Definition at line 728 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SelfProduct ( const CFloatMatrix pMatrix,
CFloatMatrix pResultMatrix,
bool  AAT = false 

Definition at line 68 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SelfProduct ( const CDoubleMatrix pMatrix,
CDoubleMatrix pResultMatrix,
bool  AAT = false 

Definition at line 882 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SolveLinearLeastSquaresHomogeneousSVD ( const CFloatMatrix A,
CFloatVector x 

Definition at line 538 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SolveLinearLeastSquaresHomogeneousSVD ( const CDoubleMatrix A,
CDoubleVector x 

Definition at line 1459 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

bool LinearAlgebra::SolveLinearLeastSquaresSimple ( const CFloatMatrix A,
const CFloatVector b,
CFloatVector x 

Definition at line 582 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

bool LinearAlgebra::SolveLinearLeastSquaresSimple ( const CDoubleMatrix A,
const CDoubleVector b,
CDoubleVector x 

Definition at line 1503 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SolveLinearLeastSquaresSVD ( const CFloatMatrix A,
const CFloatVector b,
CFloatVector x 

Definition at line 563 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SolveLinearLeastSquaresSVD ( const CDoubleMatrix A,
const CDoubleVector b,
CDoubleVector x 

Definition at line 1484 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SubtractFromMat ( CFloatMatrix pMatrix,
const CFloatMatrix pMatrixToSubtract 

Definition at line 432 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SubtractFromMat ( CDoubleMatrix pMatrix,
const CDoubleMatrix pMatrixToSubtract 

Definition at line 1246 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SubtractFromVec ( CFloatVector pVector,
const CFloatVector pVectorToSubtract 

Definition at line 464 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SubtractFromVec ( CDoubleVector pVector,
const CDoubleVector pVectorToSubtract 

Definition at line 1278 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SubtractMatMat ( const CFloatMatrix pMatrix1,
const CFloatMatrix pMatrix2,
CFloatMatrix pResultMatrix 

Definition at line 364 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SubtractMatMat ( const CDoubleMatrix pMatrix1,
const CDoubleMatrix pMatrix2,
CDoubleMatrix pResultMatrix 

Definition at line 1178 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SubtractMeanFromColumns ( const CFloatMatrix pMatrix,
CFloatMatrix pResultMatrix 

Definition at line 481 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SubtractMeanFromColumns ( const CDoubleMatrix pMatrix,
CDoubleMatrix pResultMatrix 

Definition at line 1295 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SubtractMeanFromRows ( const CFloatMatrix pMatrix,
CFloatMatrix pResultMatrix 

Definition at line 510 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SubtractMeanFromRows ( const CDoubleMatrix pMatrix,
CDoubleMatrix pResultMatrix 

Definition at line 1324 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SubtractVecVec ( const CFloatVector pVector1,
const CFloatVector pVector2,
CFloatVector pResultVector 

Definition at line 399 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SubtractVecVec ( const CDoubleVector pVector1,
const CDoubleVector pVector2,
CDoubleVector pResultVector 

Definition at line 1213 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SVD ( const CFloatMatrix A,
CFloatMatrix W,
CFloatMatrix U = 0,
CFloatMatrix V = 0,
bool  bAllowModifyA = false,
bool  bReturnUTransposed = false,
bool  bReturnVTransposed = false 

Definition at line 1660 of file SVD.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::SVD ( const CDoubleMatrix A,
CDoubleMatrix W,
CDoubleMatrix U = 0,
CDoubleMatrix V = 0,
bool  bAllowModifyA = false,
bool  bReturnUTransposed = false,
bool  bReturnVTransposed = false 

Definition at line 1697 of file SVD.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::Transpose ( const CFloatMatrix pMatrix,
CFloatMatrix pResultMatrix 

Definition at line 254 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::Transpose ( const CDoubleMatrix pMatrix,
CDoubleMatrix pResultMatrix 

Definition at line 1068 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::Zero ( CFloatMatrix pMatrix)

Definition at line 865 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::Zero ( CFloatVector pVector)

Definition at line 870 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::Zero ( CDoubleMatrix pMatrix)

Definition at line 1608 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.

void LinearAlgebra::Zero ( CDoubleVector pVector)

Definition at line 1603 of file LinearAlgebra.cpp.