ImageAccessCV Namespace Reference

Loading of images using HighGUI from OpenCV. More...


bool LoadFromFile (CByteImage *pImage, const char *pFilePath)
 Loads an image from a file. More...
bool SaveToFile (const CByteImage *pImage, const char *pFilePath)
 Saves an image to a file. More...

Detailed Description

Loading of images using HighGUI from OpenCV.

The funtions offered here are useful in case access to JPEG or PNG files is needed. In all other cases (BMP, PPM, PGM), it is recommended to use CByteImage::LoadFromFile(const char *) instead.

Function Documentation

bool ImageAccessCV::LoadFromFile ( CByteImage pImage,
const char *  pFilePath 

Loads an image from a file.

If an image is already loaded, reinitialization is performed automatically.

Use the file endings .JPG, .JPEG, .jpg or .jpeg for JPEG files, .PNG or .png for PNG files, and .TIFF or .tiff for TIFF files.

For BMP, PPM and PGM files, it is recommended to use CByteImage::LoadFromFile(const char *) instead.

[in,out]pImageThe target instance. pImage must contain an allocated instance of CByteImage, but does not need to contain a valid image.
[in]pFilePathThe path to the image file to be loaded.
true on success and false on failure.

Definition at line 57 of file ImageAccessCV.cpp.

bool ImageAccessCV::SaveToFile ( const CByteImage pImage,
const char *  pFilePath 

Saves an image to a file.

If an image is already loaded, reinitialization is performed automatically.

Use the file endings .JPG, .JPEG, .jpg or .jpeg for JPEG files, .PNG or .png for PNG files, and .TIFF or .tiff for TIFF files.

For BMP, PPM and PGM files, it is recommended to use CByteImage::LoadFromFile(const char *) instead.

[in,out]pImageThe instance of the image to be saved.
[in]pFilePathThe path to the destination file.
true on success and false on failure.

Definition at line 116 of file ImageAccessCV.cpp.