ImageProcessor.h File Reference
#include "Math/Math2d.h"
#include "Math/Math3d.h"
#include "Structs/Structs.h"
#include "Structs/ObjectDefinitions.h"

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 Central namespace offering various image processing routines and functions.


enum  ImageProcessor::BayerPatternType { ImageProcessor::eBayerRG, ImageProcessor::eBayerGR, ImageProcessor::eBayerBG, ImageProcessor::eBayerGB }
 The four possible variants for Bayer pattern conversion. More...


bool ImageProcessor::ConvertImage (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, bool bFast=false, const MyRegion *pROI=0)
 Converts a grayscale CByteImage to an RGB CByteImage image and vice versa. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ConvertImage (const CFloatImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, bool equalize=false)
 Converts a CFloatImage to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ConvertImage (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CFloatImage *pOutputImage)
 Converts a CByteImage to a CFloatImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ConvertImage (const CFloatMatrix *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Converts a CFloatMatrix to a grayscale CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ConvertImage (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CFloatMatrix *pOutputImage)
 Converts a grayscale CByteImage to a CFloatMatrix. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ConvertImage (const CShortImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Converts a CShortImage to a grayscale CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ConvertImage (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CShortImage *pOutputImage)
 Converts a grayscale CByteImage to a CShortImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ConvertImage (const CIntImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Converts a CIntImage to a grayscale CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ConvertImage (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CIntImage *pOutputImage)
 Converts a grayscale CByteImage to a CIntImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ConvertMatrix (const CFloatMatrix *pInputImage, CDoubleMatrix *pOutputImage)
 Converts a CFloatMatrix to a CDoubleMatrix. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ConvertMatrix (const CDoubleMatrix *pInputImage, CFloatMatrix *pOutputImage)
 Converts a CDoubleMatrix to a CFloatMatrix. More...
bool ImageProcessor::CopyImage (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, const MyRegion *pROI=0, bool bUseSameSize=false)
 Copies one CByteImage to another. More...
bool ImageProcessor::CopyImage (const CShortImage *pInputImage, CShortImage *pOutputImage, const MyRegion *pROI=0, bool bUseSameSize=false)
 Copies one CShortImage to another. More...
bool ImageProcessor::CopyMatrix (const CFloatMatrix *pInputImage, CFloatMatrix *pOutputImage)
 Copies one CFloatMatrix to another. More...
bool ImageProcessor::CopyMatrix (const CDoubleMatrix *pInputImage, CDoubleMatrix *pOutputImage)
 Copies one CDoubleMatrix to another. More...
void ImageProcessor::Zero (CByteImage *pImage, const MyRegion *pROI=0)
 Sets all values in a CByteImage to zero. More...
void ImageProcessor::Zero (CShortImage *pImage)
 Sets all values in a CShortImage to zero. More...
void ImageProcessor::Zero (CIntImage *pImage)
 Sets all values in a CIntImage to zero. More...
void ImageProcessor::Zero (CFloatMatrix *pImage)
 Sets all values in a CFloatMatrix to zero. More...
void ImageProcessor::Zero (CDoubleMatrix *pImage)
 Sets all values in a CDoubleMatrix to zero. More...
bool ImageProcessor::FlipY (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Flips the rows in a CByteImage vertically and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::AverageFilter (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, int nMaskSize=3)
 Applies an average filter to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::GaussianSmooth (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CFloatMatrix *pOutputImage, float fVariance, int nKernelSize)
 Applies a Gaussian filter to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CFloatMatrix. More...
bool ImageProcessor::GaussianSmooth (const CFloatMatrix *pInputImage, CFloatMatrix *pOutputImage, float fVariance, int nKernelSize)
 Applies a Gaussian filter to a CFloatMatrix and writes the result to a CFloatMatrix. More...
bool ImageProcessor::GaussianSmooth (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, float fVariance, int nKernelSize)
 Applies a Gaussian filter to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::GaussianSmooth5x5 (const CFloatMatrix *pInputImage, CFloatMatrix *pOutputImage, float fVariance)
 Applies a 5x5 Gaussian filter to a CFloatMatrix and writes the result to a CFloatMatrix. More...
bool ImageProcessor::GaussianSmooth3x3 (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Applies a 3x3 Gaussian filter to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::GaussianSmooth5x5 (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Applies a 5x5 Gaussian filter to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::HighPassX3 (const CFloatMatrix *pInputImage, CFloatMatrix *pOutputImage)
 Applies a 1x3 highpass filter to a CFloatMatrix and write the result to a CFloatMatrix. More...
bool ImageProcessor::HighPassY3 (const CFloatMatrix *pInputImage, CFloatMatrix *pOutputImage)
 Applies a 3x1 highpass filter to a CFloatMatrix and writes the result to a CFloatMatrix. More...
bool ImageProcessor::SobelX (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CShortImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
 Filters a CByteImage with the SobelX operator and writes the result to a CShortImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::SobelX (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
 Filters a CByteImage with the SobelX operator and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::SobelY (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CShortImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
 Filters a CByteImage with the SobelY operator and writes the result to a CShortImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::SobelY (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
 Filters a CByteImage with the SobelY operator and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::PrewittX (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CShortImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
 Filters a CByteImage with the PrewittX operator and writes the result to a CShortImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::PrewittX (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
 Filters a CByteImage with the PrewittX operator and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::PrewittY (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CShortImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
 Filters a CByteImage with the PrewittY operator and writes the result to a CShortImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::PrewittY (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
 Filters a CByteImage with the PrewittY operator and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Laplace1 (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CShortImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
 Filters a CByteImage with the Laplace1 operator and writes the result to a CShortImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Laplace1 (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
 Filters a CByteImage with the Laplace1 operator and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Laplace2 (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CShortImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
 Filters a CByteImage with the Laplace2 operator and writes the result to a CShortImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Laplace2 (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, bool bAbsoluteValue=true)
 Filters a CByteImage with the Laplace2 operator and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::GeneralFilter (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, const int *pKernel, int nMaskSize, int nDivider=1, bool bAbsoluteValue=false)
 Applies a user defined filter to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::GeneralFilter (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CShortImage *pOutputImage, const int *pKernel, int nMaskSize, int nDivider=1, bool bAbsoluteValue=false)
 Applies a user defined filter to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CShortImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::GeneralFilter (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CFloatMatrix *pOutputImage, const int *pKernel, int nMaskSize, int nDivider=1, bool bAbsoluteValue=false)
 Applies a user defined filter to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CFloatMatrix. More...
bool ImageProcessor::CalculateGradientImagePrewitt (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Applies a combined Prewitt filter for both x- and y-direction to a CByteImage and stores the result in a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::CalculateGradientImageSobel (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Applies a combined Sobel filter for both x- and y-direction to a CByteImage and stores the result in a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::CalculateGradientImage (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Applies a combined simple gradient filter for both x- and y-direction to a CByteImage and stores the result in a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::CalculateGradientImageBinary (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Calculates a gradient image for a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage, for the special case of binary images. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ApplyAffinePointOperation (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, float a, float b)
 Applies an affine point operation to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::NormalizeColor (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Applies histogram equalization to all channels of a color CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::HistogramEqualization (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Performs histogram equalization for a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::HistogramStretching (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, float p1=0.1f, float p2=0.9f)
 Performs histogram stretching on pInputImage and stores the result in pOutputImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Spread (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Performs a spread operation on pInputImage and stores the result in pOutputImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ApplyHomography (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, const Mat3d &A, bool bInterpolation=true)
 Applies a homography to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ApplyHomography (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, float a1, float a2, float a3, float a4, float a5, float a6, float a7, float a8, bool bInterpolation=true)
 Deprecated. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Resize (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, const MyRegion *pROI=0, bool bInterpolation=true)
 Resizes a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Rotate (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, float mx, float my, float theta, bool bInterpolation=true)
 Rotates pInputImage to the dimensions specified by pOutputImage and stores the result in pOutputImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::DetermineHomography (const Vec2d *pSourcePoints, const Vec2d *pTargetPoints, int nPoints, float &a1, float &a2, float &a3, float &a4, float &a5, float &a6, float &a7, float &a8)
 Deprecated. More...
bool ImageProcessor::DetermineAffineTransformation (const Vec2d *pSourcePoints, const Vec2d *pTargetPoints, int nPoints, float &a1, float &a2, float &a3, float &a4, float &a5, float &a6)
 Deprecated. More...
bool ImageProcessor::CalculateSaturationImage (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Calculates the saturation image for an RGB CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::FilterRGB (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, CRGBColorModel *pColorModel, float fThreshold)
 Performs color filtering with binarization for an RGB CByteImage, given a CRGBColorModel, and writes the result to a grayscale CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::CalculateHSVImage (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, const MyRegion *pROI=0)
 Computes the HSV image for a RGB CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::FilterHSV (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, unsigned char hue, unsigned char tol_hue, unsigned char min_sat, unsigned char max_sat, unsigned char min_v, unsigned char max_v, const MyRegion *pROI=0)
 Performs color filtering with binarization for an HSV CByteImage and writes the result to a grayscale CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::FilterHSV2 (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, unsigned char min_hue, unsigned char max_hue, unsigned char min_sat, unsigned char max_sat, unsigned char min_v, unsigned char max_v, const MyRegion *pROI=0)
 Performs color filtering with binarization for an HSV CByteImage and writes the result to a grayscale CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::FilterColor (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, ObjectColor cColor, CColorParameterSet *pColorParameterSet, bool bImageIsHSV=true)
 Performs color filtering with binarization for a CByteImage and writes the result to a grayscale CByteImage. More...
void ImageProcessor::ZeroFrame (CByteImage *pImage)
 Sets all pixels on a one pixel wide frame of a CByteImage to zero. More...
void ImageProcessor::ZeroFrame (CShortImage *pImage)
 Sets all pixels on a one pixel wide frame of a CShortImage to zero. More...
void ImageProcessor::ZeroFrame (CIntImage *pImage)
 Sets all pixels on a one pixel wide frame of a CIntImage to zero. More...
bool ImageProcessor::CopyFrame (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Copies all pixels on a one pixel wide frame from one CByteImage to CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::AdaptFrame (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Sets all pixels on a one pixel wide outer frame in a CByteImage to the pixel values of the inner frame of a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Invert (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Calculates the inverted image of a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Amplify (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, float fFactor)
 Multiplies each byte value of a CByteImage with a floating point factor and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Rotate180Degrees (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Rotates a CByteImage by 180 degrees and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Canny (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, int nLowThreshold, int nHighThreshold)
 Applies the Canny edge detector to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Canny (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CVec2dArray &resultPoints, CVec2dArray &resultDirections, int nLowThreshold, int nHighThreshold)
 Applies the Canny edge detector to a CByteImage and writes the edge pixels and directions to two instances of CVec2dArray. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ThresholdBinarize (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, unsigned char nThreshold)
 Performs threshold binarization to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ThresholdBinarizeInverse (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, unsigned char nThreshold)
 Performs inverse threshold binarization to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ThresholdBinarize (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, unsigned char nMinThreshold, unsigned char nMaxThreshold)
 Performs threshold binarization to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ThresholdFilter (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, unsigned char nThreshold)
 Performs threhold filtering to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ThresholdFilterInverse (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, unsigned char nThreshold)
 Performs inverse threhold filtering to a CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::CalculateHarrisMap (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CIntImage *pOutputImage)
 Calculates the Harris cornerness measure for every pixel in a CByteImage and writes the results to a CIntImage. More...
int ImageProcessor::CalculateHarrisInterestPoints (const CByteImage *pInputImage, Vec2d *pInterestPoints, int nMaxPoints, float fQualityLevel=0.01f, float fMinDistance=5.0f)
 Computes interest points within a CByteImage by applying the Harris corner detector. More...
bool ImageProcessor::And (const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Applies the bitwise operator AND to two instance of CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Xor (const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Applies the bitwise operator XOR to two instance of CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Or (const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Applies the bitwise operator OR to two instance of CByteImage and writes the result to a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Dilate (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, int nMaskSize=3, const MyRegion *pROI=0)
 Applies a morphological dilate operation to a binary CByteImage and writes the result to a binary CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Erode (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, int nMaskSize=3, const MyRegion *pROI=0)
 Applies a morphological erode operation to a binary CByteImage and writes the result to a binary CByteImage. More...
int ImageProcessor::RegionGrowing (const CByteImage *pInputImage, MyRegion &resultRegion, int x, int y, int nMinimumPointsPerRegion=0, int nMaximumPointsPerRegion=0, bool bCalculateBoundingBox=true, bool bStorePixels=false)
 Performs a region growing on a binary CByteImage on the basis of one seed point and stores the computed region in a MyRegion. More...
bool ImageProcessor::FindRegions (const CByteImage *pImage, RegionList &regionList, int nMinimumPointsPerRegion=0, int nMaximumPointsPerRegion=0, bool bCalculateBoundingBox=true, bool bStorePixels=false)
 Performs region growing on a binary CByteImage, segmenting all regions in the image. More...
bool ImageProcessor::FindRegions (const CByteImage *pImage, CRegionArray &regionList, int nMinimumPointsPerRegion=0, int nMaximumPointsPerRegion=0, bool bCalculateBoundingBox=true, bool bStorePixels=false)
 Performs region growing on a binary CByteImage, segmenting all regions in the image. More...
bool ImageProcessor::HoughTransformLines (const CByteImage *pImage, CByteImage *pVisualizationImage, Vec2dList &resultLines, int nLinesToExtract, int nMinHits=1)
 Performs the Hough transform for straight lines on a CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::HoughTransformCircles (const CByteImage *pImage, CByteImage *pVisualizationImage, Vec3dList &resultCircles, int rmin, int rmax, int nCirclesToExtract, int nMinHits=1)
 Performs the Hough transform for circles on a CByteImage. More...
void ImageProcessor::HoughTransformLines (const CVec2dArray &edgePoints, const CVec2dArray &edgeDirections, int width, int height, int nLinesToExtract, int nMinHits, CVec2dArray &resultLines, CIntArray &resultHits, CByteImage *pVisualizationImage=0)
 Performs the Hough transform for straight lines, given a list of edge points and directions. More...
void ImageProcessor::HoughTransformLines (const CVec2dArray &edgePoints, const CVec2dArray &edgeDirections, int width, int height, int nLinesToExtract, int nMinHits, CStraightLine2dArray &resultLines, CIntArray &resultHits, CByteImage *pVisualizationImage=0)
 Performs the Hough transform for straight lines, given a list of edge points and directions. More...
bool ImageProcessor::HoughTransformCircles (const CVec2dArray &edgePoints, const CVec2dArray &edgeDirections, int width, int height, int rmin, int rmax, int nCirclesToExtract, int nMinHits, CVec3dArray &resultCircles, CIntArray &resultHits, CByteImage *pVisualizationImage=0)
 Performs the Hough transform for circles, given a list of edge points and directions. More...
bool ImageProcessor::HoughTransformCircles (const CVec2dArray &edgePoints, const CVec2dArray &edgeDirections, int width, int height, int rmin, int rmax, int nCirclesToExtract, int nMinHits, CCircle2dArray &resultCircles, CIntArray &resultHits, CByteImage *pVisualizationImage=0)
 Performs the Hough transform for circles, given a list of edge points and directions. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ThresholdBinarize (const CFloatMatrix *pInputImage, CFloatMatrix *pOutputImage, float fThreshold)
 Performs threshold binarization to a CFloatMatrix and writes the result to a CFloatMatrix. More...
bool ImageProcessor::CalculateIntegralImage (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CIntImage *pIntegralImage)
 Calculates the integral image of a grayscale CByteImage and writes the result to a CIntImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::CalculateSummedAreaTable (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CIntImage *pSummedAreaTable)
 Calculates the summed area table of a grayscale CByteImage and writes the result to a CIntImage. More...
int ImageProcessor::GetAreaSum (const CIntImage *pIntegralImage, int min_x, int min_y, int max_x, int max_y)
 Efficiently computes the sum of all pixel values in a rectangular area using integral image lookups. More...
int ImageProcessor::GetAreaSumNoChecks (const CIntImage *pIntegralImage, int min_x, int min_y, int max_x, int max_y)
 Efficiently computes the sum of all pixel values in a rectangular area using integral image lookups. More...
int ImageProcessor::GetAreaSum (const CIntImage *pIntegralImage, const MyRegion *pRegion)
 Efficiently computes the sum of all pixel values in a rectangular area using integral image lookups. More...
bool ImageProcessor::CalculateBinarizedSummedAreaTable (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CIntImage *pSummedAreaTable)
 Calculates the binarized summed area table of a grayscale CByteImage and writes the result to a CIntImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::CalculateReverseSummedAreaTable (const CIntImage *pSummedAreaTable, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Reconstructs the original image, given a summed area table, and writes the result to a grayscale CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::ConvertBayerPattern (const CByteImage *pInputImage, CByteImage *pOutputImage, BayerPatternType type)
 Converts an 8 bit Bayer pattern CByteImage to an RGB24 color CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Add (const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Sets each pixel in a CByteImage to the sum of the corresponding pixels in two instances of CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::AddWithSaturation (const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Sets each pixel in a CByteImage to the sum of the corresponding pixels in two instances of CByteImage, handling overflows with saturation. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Subtract (const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Sets each pixel in a CByteImage to the difference between the corresponding pixels in two instances of CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::SubtractWithSaturation (const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Sets each pixel in a CByteImage to the difference between the corresponding pixels in two instances of CByteImage, handling overflows with saturation. More...
bool ImageProcessor::AbsoluteDifference (const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Sets each pixel in a CByteImage to the absolute value of the difference between the corresponding pixels in two instances of CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Average (const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Sets each pixel in a CByteImage to the average of the corresponding pixels in two instances of CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Min (const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Sets each pixel in a CByteImage to the minimum of the corresponding pixels in two instances of CByteImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::Max (const CByteImage *pInputImage1, const CByteImage *pInputImage2, CByteImage *pOutputImage)
 Sets each pixel in a CByteImage to the maximum of the corresponding pixels in two instances of CByteImage. More...
unsigned char ImageProcessor::MaxValue (const CByteImage *pImage)
 Returns the maximum value within a grayscale CByteImage. More...
short ImageProcessor::MaxValue (const CShortImage *pImage)
 Returns the maximum value within a CShortImage. More...
int ImageProcessor::MaxValue (const CIntImage *pImage)
 Returns the maximum value within a CIntImage. More...
unsigned char ImageProcessor::MinValue (const CByteImage *pImage)
 Returns the minimum value within a grayscale CByteImage. More...
short ImageProcessor::MinValue (const CShortImage *pImage)
 Returns the minimum value within a CShortImage. More...
int ImageProcessor::MinValue (const CIntImage *pImage)
 Returns the minimum value within a CIntImage. More...
bool ImageProcessor::MinMaxValue (const CByteImage *pImage, unsigned char &min, unsigned char &max)
 Computes the minimum and maximum value within a grayscale CByteImage. More...
void ImageProcessor::MinMaxValue (const CShortImage *pImage, short &min, short &max)
 Computes the minimum and maximum value within a CShortImage. More...
void ImageProcessor::MinMaxValue (const CIntImage *pImage, int &min, int &max)
 Computes the minimum and maximum value within a CIntImage. More...
unsigned int ImageProcessor::PixelSum (const CByteImage *pImage)
 Returns the sum of all pixel values of a grayscale CByteImage. More...