80 m_nPixelsSearchDistance = 15;
95 m_pCalibration = pCalibration;
103 printf(
"error: input image must be grayscale image for CTracker2d3d::Track\n");
110 printf(
"error: calibration does not match image in CTracker2d3d::Track\n");
114 const int nMaxPoints = 10000;
117 Vec2d *pPointList2dProjection =
new Vec2d[nMaxPoints];
120 const unsigned char *pixels = pEdgeImage->
121 const int width = pEdgeImage->
122 const int height = pEdgeImage->
129 for (
int nRun = 0;; nRun++)
134 for (i = 0; i < nOutlinePoints; i += 2)
152 p1_.
x = temp.
x / temp.
153 p1_.
y = temp.
y / temp.
157 p2_.
x = temp.
x / temp.
158 p2_.
y = temp.
y / temp.
163 const int nControlPoints = int(length_ / m_nPixelsDelta) - 1;
164 if (nControlPoints < 1 || nControlPoints > 10000)
173 Vec2d u_ = { p1_.
x - p2_.
x, p1_.
y - p2_.
y };
177 Vec2d n = { p1_.
y - p2_.
y, p2_.
x - p1_.
x };
183 for (
int j = 0; j < nControlPoints; j++)
195 Vec3d temp3 = { temp2.
x, temp2.
y, 1 };
199 p_.
x = temp3.
x / temp3.
200 p_.
y = temp3.
y / temp3.
210 for (k = 0; k < m_nPixelsSearchDistance; k++)
215 x = int(pn1.
x + 0.5f);
216 y = int(pn1.
y + 0.5f);
217 if (x > 0 && x < width && y > 0 && y < height && pixels[y * width + x])
224 x = int(pn2.
x + 0.5f);
225 y = int(pn2.
y + 0.5f);
226 if (x > 0 && x < width && y > 0 && y < height && pixels[y * width + x])
251 if (++nPoints == nMaxPoints)
272 objectPose.
EstimatePose(pPointList2d, rotation, translation, m_pCalibration);
274 delete [] pPointList3d;
275 delete [] pPointList2d;
276 delete [] pPointList2dProjection;
void Init(const CCalibration *pCalibration)
Data structure for the representation of a 2D vector.
void NormalizeVec(Vec2d &vec)
bool DetermineAffineTransformation(const Vec2d *pSourcePoints, const Vec2d *pTargetPoints, int nPoints, Mat3d &A, bool bUseSVD=false)
Determines an affine transformation based on a set of 2d-2d point correspondences.
float Length(const Vec3d &vec)
void WorldToImageCoordinates(const Vec3d &worldPoint, Vec2d &imagePoint, bool bUseDistortionParameters=true) const
Transforms 3D world coordinates to 2D image coordinates.
const CCameraParameters & GetCameraParameters() const
Gives access to the camera parameters.
void NormalizeVec(Vec3d &vec)
void SubtractVecVec(const Vec3d &vector1, const Vec3d &vector2, Vec3d &result)
void MulMatMat(const Mat3d &matrix1, const Mat3d &matrix2, Mat3d &result)
Implementation of an alternative to the POSIT algorithm.
void SubtractFromVec(Vec2d &vec, const Vec2d &vectorToSubtract)
ImageType type
The type of the image.
int width
The width of the image in pixels.
int height
The height of the image in pixels.
Data structure for the representation of a 3D vector.
void MulMatVec(const Mat3d &matrix, const Vec3d &vec, Vec3d &result)
void SetMat(Mat3d &matrix, float r1, float r2, float r3, float r4, float r5, float r6, float r7, float r8, float r9)
Camera model parameters and functions for a single camera.
unsigned char * pixels
The pointer to the the pixels.
bool EstimatePose(const Vec2d *pImagePoints, Mat3d &rotationMatrix, Vec3d &translationVector, const CCalibration *pCalibration, int nMaxIterations=350)
float Distance(const Vec2d &vector1, const Vec2d &vector2)
void AddToVec(Vec3d &vec, const Vec3d &vectorToAdd)
Data structure for the representation of a 3x3 matrix.
Data structure for the representation of 8-bit grayscale images and 24-bit RGB (or HSV) color images ...
void SetVec(Vec2d &vec, float x, float y)
bool Track(const CByteImage *pEdgeImage, Vec3d *pOutlinePoints, int nOutlinePoints, Mat3d &rotation, Vec3d &translation)
void MulVecScalar(const Vec3d &vec, float scalar, Vec3d &result)
void AddToVec(Vec2d &vec, const Vec2d &vectorToAdd)
void SetVec(Vec3d &vec, float x, float y, float z)